How’s Your Mental Game?

Mar 4, 2013 | Mental Performance

Have you ever seen a great athlete self-destruct on the course or during a game?

Did their physical ability suddenly change? Of course not!

That self-destruction was most likely due to emotional reactivity or mental error.

Mental mistakes are common for many golfers during a round of golf. Unfortunately, many golfers don’t recognize them as mental error. Knowing that mental errors can occur also means they can be avoided or limited with strong mental performance skills. Although most people agree golf is a mental game few golfers really work on their mental game skills.

To achieve your full potential in sport performance mastery of a variety of fundamental mental skills is necessary and the best way to lower that score. Staying calm under pressure, seeing challenging shots as a chance to prove your skills, and having a level of focus where “the zone” is with you on every shot are some examples. Developing a solid mental game takes a bit more effort than reading a book, and it should be part of every competitive athlete’s game preparation.

Why does it Matter?

The brain runs your body, so having a conscious thought process will help your body run better. This performance mindset and having a solid mental strategy is a foundation for sustaining peak sport performance in your golf game.

This results in better play, increased confidence and consistency, lower anxiety, and lower frustration in game performance without changing the mechanics of your game.