Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis is a familiar word to many people. Hypnosis is commonly misrepresented and misunderstood.

Woman under hypnosisWhat is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis Is:  a state of inner absorption, concentration and heightened, focused attention. It is like using a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun and make them more powerful. Similarly, when our minds are highly concentrated and focused in a narrow fashion, we are able to use our minds more powerfully. Hypnosis allows people to use more of the power of the mind, thus access more of our potential.  Learning self-hypnosis is considered the ultimate act of self-control.

Although many people associate a swinging watch or spiraling images with hypnosis the only place I have seen a swinging watched used for hypnosis is in the entertainment industry.  Staring in the center of a spiraling image long enough can create a trance state.  Being in a trance state can be very relaxing however it in and of itself is not hypnosis.  This process is referring to an eye fixation induction which is one of many ways to create a trance.

Myths and Misconceptions About Hypnosis:
Will I cluck like a chicken?

Myth #1: You are out of control or under the control of another person ?This is simply not true.  It is a common misconception that a hypnotized person loses their will and is partially or completely under the command of the hypnotist. This unfortunate belief is reinforced by many stage or comic hypnotists. Your will is not weakened in any way. You are in control and cannot be made to do anything against your will.
Myth #2: You go into a deep sleep when in trance ?You will not become unconscious and you will be aware of everything at all times. Hypnosis is not sleep.  When using hypnosis for deep relaxation individuals may become sleepy. Hypnosis, particularly the deeper forms, can appear to be like sleep because the person’s body is typically very still and quiet. There is usually a great deal of mental activity, and measurements of brain activity during hypnosis show a significant level of neurological activity.?
Myth #3: You don’t remember what happens while in trance or will have amnesia?The majority of people, about 95% of the population, go into a moderate level of trance where people tend to remember everything.  There are about 5% of the population which are even capable of such intense trance states of absorption that even have the ability to follow through with a hypnotic suggestion to fail to remember what takes place in trance.
Myth #4: You will have a loss of privacy or reveal secrets when in trance ?You are in charge of yourself while in trance and can pull yourself out of trance, speak or  not speak.  You will not be compelled to answer questions while in trance you would not otherwise answer.  You will not begin to reveal information or secrets you wish to keep private.


Can Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis be Beneficial? 

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis can be beneficial to all people.  Each of us have a different level of natural hypnotic talent.  Hypnosis is optimally effective when the person is highly motivated to overcome a problem and when the hypnotherapist is well trained in both hypnosis and in general considerations related to the particular problem.  There seem to be variations in hypnotic talent from person to person. Approximately just over 90% of the population can be hypnotized.


Some individuals seem to have higher natural or innate hypnotizability.  In hypnosis terms we refer to this as hypnotic talent.  A high capacity  for hypnotic talent may allow these individuals to benefit more readily from hypnosis.


Some individuals also seem to be more suggestible then others.  There is variation in suggestibility from individual to individual. The more suggestible a person is the more easily they take to hypnotic suggestion as they have less natural resistance that needs to be ratified.

It is important to keep in mind that hypnosis is like any other modality used to improve performance. For this reason, we emphasize that we are not “hypnotists”, we are trained professionals who use hypnosis along with other tools of our professions.  Using hypnosis in combination with the other skills and tools to enhance performance will be most beneficial to the majority of individuals.

Hypnotic Induction: Self Vs. Other

What? The term for going into a hypnotic trance is called an induction.  A hypnotic trance can be created by having an individual help put you into a trance state or you can put yourself into a trance state.  Just as you can have someone take you out of a trance state or take yourself out of a trance state.  Most individuals need to be taught self-hypnosis. Learning self-hypnosis can be highly beneficial in sport performance. Most individuals are not able to use self-hypnosis to clear significant performance blocks.  This is where the assistance of a trained clinical hypnotist comes in.  There are advantages to learning self-hypnosis.  Read more on our education page.

Stage and Comedy

Many of the myths of hypnosis have their foundation in entertainment hypnosis be it on stage or in movies.  It is important to recognize the differences.  Most professional hypnosis organizations do not support using hypnosis for these entertainment purposes.  It is not clinical hypnosis.

The professional uses of hypnosis are based in clinical purposes. 

Clinical: Behavioral Performance

Medical and Dentistry