Individual Mental Performance Training Sessions

Mar 4, 2013 | Mental Performance

Individual instruction for mental performance training is all about you.

Some of the mental skills needed for peak performance are proper thinking and mental strategy, developing self-talk that emphasizes what can be done, heightening prolonged states of relaxation under pressure, performance mindset, and excellent concentration. These skills allow one to access all the power of the mind and direct it to support peak performance.

Many people prefer an individual mental game training session because it allows us to tailor instruction to your game in a private setting.  We can work with you in the office, on the driving range, on the course, court, etc, as well as coordinate with your swing instructor or other coaches. It is often helpful to start with a mental performance assessment. This provides clarity on what mental performance training instruction would be most beneficial.

We can provide an assessment of your mental performance abilities to develop a plan to create desired changes in targeted areas and learn the needed skills to create the change for improved performance. Athletes work on enhancing mental strength and performance-enhancement techniques and skills such as distraction control, focusing, relaxation, centering, confidence, etc., necessary for peak athletic performance rather then psychological disturbance.  These skills support mental toughness.

There are many techniques and modalities to create the desired changes, such as cognitive behavioral approaches, visualization & imagery, thought restructuring, meditation, hypnosis, and neural path integration, to name a few. These allow for a variety of approaches to help athletes learn proficiency in effective mental game skills based on individual aptitudes, address any blocks, and access all the power of the mind.

For information on individual instruction and other mental performance training services, please visit the  Performance Coaching section of my website.